Add a 4.3 inch Waveshare DSI Display, Touch, 800x480
23 January 2025
pCP 9.2.0
Display •
Waveshare •
Touch •
Waveshare 4.3 inch DSI Touch Display, 800x480 with piCorePlayer.
This is one of the easiest ways to get a touch display running under pCP. It may run in same way with bigger DSI-Displays, same resolution, but it isn’t tested yet.
Add a 4 inch Waveshare display spi touch
Waveshare 4 inch resistive display, spi Touch, 480×800, HDMI, with piCorePlayer.
Step 1 - Connect the display to your Raspberry PI
- Plug the display directly on the GPIO pins of your RPi and connect the HDMI plug with an HDMI-adaptor.
If you need additional pins for other purpose, wire the pins 1, 2, 6, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26) and connect the HDMI-Plug with a HDMI Cable.
Add a 5 inch Waveshare display spi touch
Waveshare 5 inch HDMI Display, 800x480, resistive spi touch with piCorePlayer.
What we need
- Raspberry Pi 2, 3, 4 or piZero WH
- 8GB Micro SD card
- Waveshare 5 inch display, resistive spi-touch with HDMI-adaptor
- Optional: Some jumper wires, female to female
- Powersupply, 5V, >= 2,5 A
- PC or Laptop, Putty installed
- Plug the display directly on the GPIO pins of your PI and connect the HDMI plug with an HDMI-adaptor
Add a 5.5 inch Waveshare AMOLED display
The Fan Club
17 June 2022
pCP 7.0.0
Display •
Waveshare •
jivelite •
I nice write-up by The Fan Club - How to setup piCorePlayer Jivelite for use with a Waveshare 5.5 inch AMOLED touchscreen.
More information
- Waveshare 5.5 inch Touch AMOLED Display
- Download piCorePlayer
- Burn piCorePlayer onto a SD card
- Determine your piCorePlayer IP address
- Access piCorePlayer via ssh
- Edit config.txt
- piCorePlayer aliases
- piCorePlayer CLI
- Basic vi commands
- Raspberry Pi config.cfg
- Waveshare 4.1 TFT + piCorePlayer + Jivelite
- Documentation / fb / fbcon.txt
Add a 7.9 inch Waveshare display
Waveshare 7.9inch Capacitive Touch LCD Display, 400×1280, HDMI, IPS, Toughened Glass Cover with piCorePlayer.
Step 1 - Prepare SD card
- Put a fresh pCP image on to the SD card—see Burn piCorePlayer onto a SD card.
- While the SD card is still in the laptop/pc:
- Enter wifi credentials in wpa_supplicant.conf.sample and “save as” wpa_supplicant.conf.
- Add the following lines to config.txt, in the Custom Configuration area at the end of the file (between the Begin-Custom and End-Custom lines).
#---Begin-Custom-(Do not alter Begin or End Tags)-----
hdmi_timings=400 0 100 10 140 1280 10 20 20 2 0 0 0 60 0 43000000 3
display_rotate=3 #270 degrees
You find these two files in your Windows Explorer in root-section of the pcp_boot drive.
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